28 Feb 2015

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How to Make a Video and Use it for App Marketing?

A picture is worth a thousand words; imagine what it would be for a video. May be 10,000 words. You have your app, its screenshots, images, and contents. Now the time is to make a video of app and spread it throughout your connections.

In this post, we have collected 5-5 of video, means 5 tips on how to create a video and another 5 tips on how to use it for app promotion.

Make Video For App Marketing

5 Techniques to Create a Killer App Video

1. Your Audience and Video Purpose
  • Who will watch your video
  • How will you create a video which can serve its purpose as well as impress your audience?
Ask these questions from yourself or your video makers. You will definitely reach to some good results.

2. First Script, then Video

Creating a video without making the script first is like going off the deep end without learning how to swim. If you prepare a script first, you will get an exact idea of what you are creating for your audience or you will also come to know about: is your video script is worth for your audience? While making a script, don’t forget to ask the two questions given in #1.

3. Short and Sweet

Users can’t digest more than their capacity. Once they get bored of your video, it takes a second for them to close the video and divert the mind on something short and sweet. Minimize your app video size as short as possible and to the point as well, like a spot of a minute or less, for instance.

4. Pure and Simple

We don’t mean here that you will create a dusty video. With pure and simple, we mean to video with basic essentials and simple to understand. Keep your video away from complications; otherwise users will break up with it (i.e. they will not be interested to see it.

5.Only Critical

A one minute or less video is a challenge. You have to keep critical in it and kick off waste from it. Then only, you can at the end make a useful video that is worth of a one minute time wasted by users.

After Making Video, It’s Time for Marketing with 5 Simple Steps Ahead

1. Find Out Platforms
Youtube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, and a lot are there with gates open for video promotion agencies. Search on web for such sites, put your video on them and leave the rest on audience.

2. Turn to Social Media

Once you are done with video platforms, turn to social media and share your video among your circles. The more people you are connected, the more viewers you will get. Put a short video description of one line, so that users get an idea of what they will see within it.

3. Contact Bloggers, Journalists and Influencers

One habit of bloggers, journalists and influencers is they love to see videos and describe their experience in words. That’s why you have to contact them, and let them see your video, so that they can create a post of impressive words for your app.

4. Cross-promotion

Exchange your app video with others. There are video marketers like you, looking to promote their own video. Give them yours, take theirs. Market their video in your social circles and let them market your own video in their social circles.

5. Participate in Awards, Contests and Other Pitches

Crowd of Influencers is more in events like contests and awards. You can find them easily in such events and show your app with its video to them. If they are interested to know your app, they are also interested to spread the words of your app.

Last-Minute Thoughts

At last, again, we would like to recall the real importance of video for app marketing. Video is a unique and powerful way to explain your app to the world. It tells them why they actually need your app or it serves the key purpose of your app. Neat, clean and to the point video is more efficient than long, boring video. So, make it, shake it and promote it.
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13 Feb 2015

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The Art of Magnetizing App Users: 5 Basic Rules of Push Messaging

Push messaging is not a new phenomenon, but with the growing usage of mobile devices and mobile apps, push technology has grown to be an important channel for app marketers through which they can directly communicate and re-engage app users as many times as they want.

Push notifications can either increase the volume of app users or it can intensely irritate them if not applied precisely. At one end this technology is truly effective, while on the other end, it is too sensitive. Push messaging technology is the art of magnetizing app users at the right place, right time with the right slice of information. By keeping the following 5 basic rules, you can learn and apply the sensitive art of push messaging.

1. Be Familiar with Your Users 

Mobile apps create a friendly and confidential relationship between a brand and users. Push notifications can extend or shorten the period of relationship. If your users are wishing to get notifications from your brand, it means they have a trust on you and they believe that they will get worth reading. You have to take extreme care of their trust by sending relevant and useful messages that are also to a limited degree.

2. Resonate Push

Look at your app and its updates going to launch in few days or weeks. Create the news of updates, split them in messages and spread them among your users. Your app related messages must be written in a way that can resonate with your users. Identify the messages that are most talked about and try to send the same types of messages every time in a different format.

3. Put in Order

Once you get acquainted with the contents you need to feature, arrange the list of days for them. Publish them as per the organized date and time and keep tracking their open rates. Open rates will tell you about the most compelling message your users love to discuss about.

4. Put a Limit on Frequency

Messaging too frequently might make your users feel irritating due to which they will either unsubscribe from your notification centre or remove your app permanently. Prepare a schedule including the time of your messages and a few days of gap between them.

5. Messaging with a Personal Touch

Mix your messages with fun facts or the interested facts to add some personal touch. These messages will not only resonate with your users, but also give them a reason to share with their friends. Make sure that your message tone is aligned with the identity you are dreaming of to create.
Push messaging is still the best way to connect, communicate, and re-engage app users, no matter how many new app marketing tips come into the play. This technology plays a key role in converting the name of your company into a brand. It is quite sensitive to apply, but once you get to know how to apply it correctly, no one can stop your app to shine through.
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9 Feb 2015

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2 Things that Make Apps Super Successful

It is easier to make an app, at the same time it is extremely tough to market it and achieve a great success. Today, with millions of apps available in each store, getting the visibility and downloads of our app is a back-breaking task where the guarantee of success is not sure.

Marketing an app is not only about attracting users to download it. It is about gaining feedback from users concerned with their thoughts, experience, and suggestions for the app. It is also about notifying their behaviour when they are busy with the app. All these resources will gather you a set of users’ insights which you can utilize to make necessary changes in your app.

As simple it seems as hard it is to implement. Most of app marketers lose hope on the way when they are not meeting with expected results. They leave it before completion saying that they are far away from luck. But app success is not by luck, it is not by chance, it is by app concept, design, development and many other factors.

Well, we are not here to teach you some app designing tips or marketing tips to integrate in your app. We are here to make you think of what you should think before you jump deep without taking a torch to shed lights on the way of success.

Build a business not a hobby
Your business serves your products and services to customers. Your app is doing the same, it serves your products and services to users. So, you can say that an app is a business.

Some people make an app keeping in mind their business while some build it just as a part of their hobby or just an app that possesses great inspiring designs, but no concept at all.

Basically, we wanted to tell you that think like a businessman who is going to build a business on app. Treating your app like this will take you and your app too far and too wide with tremendous opportunities of income. Ok now, if you are thinking your app is your business, you must think like what you should do to put the boat of your business on the water and keep it going.

Start your journey with a small boat. It means build a prototype of your app to validate your idea. Prefer a small amount of investment on your app with basic functions. Analyse the number of users redirect to your app, download it and use it for some time or more. Then start gaining insights of users about your app. Whether they like it or not or they need any further development. Analytics and other tools will help you for the same.

Don’t Think That There is no Tomorrow

Many app makers built the app and leave it on the app store, thinking that users will come from their own if they are interested. They don’t prefer to go for any further efforts like mobile app marketing or anything. Their thoughts are like there is no tomorrow.

Do you really think that there are chances of a single app to get discovered in already available millions of apps? No, not at all. As we discussed in our first tip: don’t think that you are building an app, think that you are building your business. A businessman never leaves his business to be served automatically among the users. Develop your thinking in this way, so you will never ever dare to leave your app and its success on luck or on your users.

In summary, stick the thought in your mind: if you are not ready to put extra hours and efforts in your app, your app is not ready to reach the success. Successful apps are the result of effective efforts of entrepreneurs.

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8 Feb 2015

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7 most useful resources for mobile app marketing

Success is not a home of single wall; it is made up of many walls, pillars, colours, etc. Same as your marketing campaign which is built up with many efforts, skills, creativity, data, channels, core values, resources, etc.  Agreed or not. With the hoards of resources, chances are more to miss something really important. It may be something which takes your app to the height of success.

To sharpen your memory power, we have collected 7 extremely important and essential resources for your mobile app marketing campaign.
  1. Strategies to Multiply Your App Downloads
    By following the 5 simple steps given below, you can easily double your app downloads.
    • Export your LinkedIn connections to increase your app downloads.
    • Prepare an email signature with name, designation, company and other contact details to get recognized easily.
    • Make your holiday sales more attractive
    • Start writing articles and distribute them to users via news, social media or other advertisement channels.
    • Submit your app to supportive networks like Hacker news and Product Hunt.
  2. Powerful Channels of App Marketing
    Below given are the top 3 channels of app marketing. Most of the app marketers use these channels to get started with.
    • Content Marketing
    • Paid Advertising
    • Viral Loops (Word of Mouth)
  3. Top 3 Social Networks to Drive Engagement
    App marketers claim that most of their audience pass their days in scrolling on these top social networking sites. You can spread your marketing material like content, images, videos, etc., here easily.
    • Facebook 
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
  4. Top 6 Ways to Influence Users for App Downloads
    • Create a Blog
    • Write Blogs for other Industries Relevant to Your App
    • Create Posts for Slideshare
    • Participate in Quora Discussions
    • Post Actively on Various Social Media Channels
    • Get Feedback from App Users
  5. Creative Methods to Promote Your App at Zero Cost
    App marketing is also possible at zero budgets. It takes time to show results, but it really works. You can follow the below methods as a part of your free app marketing campaign.
    • A Website
    • A Blog
    • Share Your Content
    • Create a Video of App and Share it
    • Press Release
    • Review Your App on Various App Review Websites
    • Collect Emails, Send them App Updates, Contents, Videos, etc.
    • Post Visual Content of App on Pinterest
    • Create a Group on Facebook
    • Integrate Social Sharing Buttons Within Your App
    • Offer Promotional Pricing
  6. Tactics to Push Users to Market Your App
    How to search for new users who are not in contact with us by any means? New users are there in contact with old users, so why not to push old users to call on new users for app downloads.
    • Referral Program: Give some rewards to your existing customers if they refer your app to their connections. 
    • Incentives: Provide incentive to your users who like, share and refer your app on Facebook, twitter, and other social networks. 
    • Viral Content: Create an app relevant content that your users love to share with their friends and other community. 
    • Excellent Customer Service: Customer service is a key to unlock the door towards the new customers. If existing customers are impressed with your customer service, they will definitely share the same with their connections.
  7. Essential Resources for your Landing Page
    There are some resources which are considered as extremely important for any kind of landing page.
    • Headline
    • Summary
    • Image of App
    • Video of App
    • App Download Link
    • Recent Articles
With the help of some smart app marketing ways, you can easily influence users to download your app, but keeping them engaged with the app is quite difficult. It depends on the app whether it serves the users’ needs or not.
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6 Feb 2015

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5 Reasons for a mobile app failure

A great idea is the beginning of creation of exclusive app, but it is not the only factor on which the mobile app success banks on. Due to the fact that there is an app for almost everything, there are more chances to get less response or bad response or no response from users. App makers are familiar with the things they should include, but they don’t know about the things they should exclude while making an app.

Hoards of apps is not the reason for mobile app failure. On second thought, the reasons are those matters which app makers failed to avoid during app development process.

1. Undetermined Targeted Audience: You are making an app for your users, how you could avoid them just because being busy with your app development work. Determining users should be your prime step before you move ahead for app development. Avoiding users lead you to avoid the key features, your users actually expect from your future app.

2. Plethora of Features: For a single problem, users are looking for a single solution. Too many solutions confuse them for which one they should go for. Keep your app limited to a single solution that serve as a problem solver for users. Put your efforts on easy ways to utilize such solution within the app, for instance, a single touch should be more than enough to get the problem solved.

3. Poor Marketing:
Many app makers think that their million dollar app idea is just enough to trap the users. In faith of this myth, they avoid marketing efforts or not paying a better attention on it. As a result, poor marketing turns into a big reason of failure, in spite of building a triumph app.

4. Shutting Eyes on Feedbacks/Suggestions: Your app may be a shell of something unique, adventurous, great, interactive or whatever you call a masterpiece. Never close your eyes when the users send a feedback or suggestion on app. Think about the users who had given their precious time for the sake of app improvement. A secret of app improvement must be hidden behind the user’s feedback or suggestion. Find it out.

5. Pushy Strategies:
Users are sensitive, they get easily irritated with the again and again pop-ups, pushing them to download the app. This step puts the wrong impression on users, laying them not to return back to the particular source where the pop-ups are placed.

Your app is a small form of your business or your creative idea. You are investing money to get the most out of your app. Listing what to do is good, but staying away from what not to do will put you in danger of getting nothing in hands. Keeping a constant eye on both the sides of the coin will minimize the odds of risk and maximize the slots of success.
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4 Feb 2015

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Top 6 Models to Monetize Your Mobile Ads

Mobile App Monetization

You probably have heard about mobile app monetization – monetizing app to generate revenue. Here, we are talking about mobile ad monetization – monetizing mobile ads to get the ready-to-buy users. It simply means implementing effective mobile ad strategies to convince the users to click the ad and complete the task.

With the increasing competition in the mobile advertising space, app marketing experts are gaining deeper knowledge of mobile purchase behavior of users and marking the tipping point to make the mobile ad strategies more effective. From various strategies, here we have focused on monetization models – mobile ad platforms used to deliver a huge variety of ads to the users.
1. Banner Ads
You can occupy the top or bottom space of the app to display your ads with the help of banner ads. When users are in a mood to search something new within the app, they will come to your ads, click them and download a new app or watch a video or whatever the ad is for.
Banner Advertising Platforms: Apple’s iAd, Google’s AdMob
2. Interstitial Ads
The name is quite confusing, but its concept is clear to understand and implement. Interstitial Ads occurs at some specific point like the ad appears at the beginning of the app or at the end of level completed on game app. 
Interstitial Advertising Platforms: TapJoy, RevMob, Flurry
3. Rewards Ads
Rewards Ads are used to offer rewards to the users if they complete any task. You can grab users by offering reward points, deals, discounts, coupons, freebies, etc., via reward ads. Like Interstitial Ads, Reward Ads also occur at the particular point, for example, if the user completed a hard level of the game, a pop-up message will occur, displaying some rewards like freebies or a discount on a meal in a nearby restaurant.
Rewards Advertising Platforms: Kiip, Avocarrot
4. Offer Walls
These types of ad models are for Unity game makers or marketers. Using offer walls, you can give an option to users to buy virtual goods of the game in exchange of real money or complete some action within the game to enjoy the virtual items free of cost.
Offer Walls Advertising Platforms: TapJoy, StartApp, Fiksu
5. Notification Ads
Notification Ads capture immediate attention of users even if they are not active on your app. These Ads are mostly to remind users about the app, pushing them to come back or letting them know about the newly introduced updates.
Notification Advertising Platforms: AirPush, LeadBolt
6. Native Advertising
Native Advertising is used by content based app where they can display ads on the news feed. Facebook is a good example of native advertising as it is showing ads as a part of the news feed and doing pretty well.
Native Advertising Platforms: AdRoll, Sharethrough, PubNative

Selection of a mobile ad model depends upon the quality, user engagement and content of the app. Research first before you choose any model and try to understand the best suitable model for your app. Right choice will boost your mobile app monetization campaign towards the way of success, but the conditions would be reversed with a wrong selection. So, better to spend a good amount of time on research.
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2 Feb 2015

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Include your Mobile App in your Marketing Strategy

No matter whether you have a big or small business, bringing a mobile app as a part of your marketing strategy is a smart decision. In fact, from every 5 consumers, 4 are using smartphones for shopping and performing other online tasks. 2014 has already marked as the year of mobile internet usage – surpassed the usage of desktop browsing.  That’s why, these days, apps are the single most lucrative marketing tools available there for businesses and organizations, helping them to get in touch and keep getting in touch with the masses.

However, bringing a mobile app to the marketing strategy is a lot more than just integrating a mobile-friendly version of your business. Heaps of work goes on while creating a mobile app that meets the business requirements and consumers’ needs. But, how to put a finishing touch on such goal? This blog is all about the challenges and efforts used to face them when you have a mind for mobile app marketing strategy.

The Biggest Challenge

Every user has a different behaviour when it comes to mobile and its apps. Not all will remain engaged with the app, not all will leave the app after one time usage. You will get the real benefits from users who remain engaged with the app for a long time. Studies reveal that 20% of total apps are used only once and you have to do the best to keep your app away from such stats.
The biggest mistake industries are doing is that they are trying to make a replica of website in the form of app. An app is a small version of your business not your website. Make it like mobile friendly software and keep it best for mobile user experience. Furthermore, the following five tips will help you create a fresh, modern and responsive app experience for your users.

1. A Mobile Perspective

An app should not be a mixture of features; it should be a frame of what users want and how to serve them seamlessly on mobile via app. Start counting the characteristics of your favourite apps and use them again, you will find that they are so reliable and smooth to use. The same approach must be present in your app to keep the users engaging.

2. Easy and Effective Navigation

After planning the set of features you want to integrate into your app, the next step is to simplify the navigation to the end user. A quickly accessible and easily digestible content is what users wish to read on their mobile. It means the navigation should work like if users open the app, they can easily navigate to their favourite content without tapping more than 3 times on screen. It should be easy enough that whatever the page user opens, he must return back to the home screen with a click.

3. Visual Aesthetics

Initially, users get interact with the designs of the app and later its features. Before the user decides whether to engage with the app or not, he looks for visual design as it is the one user sees, knows, and relates first. Visually immersive and impressive designs make the users feel sleek when they type, swipe, tap and pinch on their mobile screen.

4. Mobile Tools

Mobile tools increase your capacity to build apps faster and easier. They will also help you accomplish various mobile app tasks within a short time. Some important tools like push notifications, Geofencing, etc. all will give your app a push to be more advance for users.

5. A Path to Monetization

App monetization is a comprehensive strategy that fills your funds for future plans. If you want to make your app a prime source of income, start planning your monetization strategies and implement them while making the app. You can charge an upfront fee for the app or there are lots of methods that make you earn through free apps like in-app purchases, in-app advertisements, subscription charges, cost for more advance features, etc.

Summing It Up

Put all the above actions together and also incorporate your own creativity to give a boost to your app marketing services. The best thing for above steps is that they don’t require large financial outlays to get done as you can follow them even without spending a penny. Remember that all the above actions require constant time investment and active observations of maximum benefits for best results.
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