1 Jun 2015

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8 Quick Splits to Reach 1 Million App Downloads

The real party of app developers begin when their apps hit the 1 million downloads. As usual it’s easy said than done. Developers and app marketers struggle a lot to reach at this stage. From A to Z, they apply everything that can raise their app downloads. Their process takes much time than expected.

Don’t get panic as we have discovered some solutions to cut out your long term process and make your app reach 1 million downloads within a little to no time.

Smart UI   

Take some time out of your busy schedule and have a thorough look at your app. Ask yourself: Does my app possesses a smart UI?
Here is the definition of Smart UI: Smart UI is responsive across devices and most important, it impresses users at their first visit.
Does you app have both these qualities? If not, then start your efforts to promote smartness to your App UI.

Flawless App

Is your app buggy? Full proof way to prove this is take some devices with different hardware profiles and test your app with each one. If your app is at app store, reviews will tell you deeply about this matter. May be a small bug is a big reason to your app failure.

Users Ratings

Not only bugs are responsible for poor ratings, umpteen reasons are there that prove your app’s inability to knock users’ heart. To know what the actual reasons are, it’s essential to read each and every review and understand the issues of users with the app.

In-app Referrals

Word-of-mouth is still a best solution to make your app reach to maximum users. It demands for constant activeness on social media or anything where users are looking for similar types of apps.

Presence of Press

Presence of press is mandatory in any of your app marketing strategy. As the press has millions of users, anything they publish will reach to maximum users. Find out people with same profession and discuss with them about your app. Their articles would be enough to raise your app downloads.

Launch on Right Platform

Go there where it makes sense. You can’t follow social networking people for your game app. Find out a platform that have active and interested-in-your-app users. For e.g. there are many forums where users are discussing about various types or newly released games or apps.

In-app Share Intent

In-app share intent allows users to share the app or its content on various suggested social media channels. Some apps possess necessary as well as unnecessary sharing channels like Google+, Facebook and Evernote. Now tell me, what’s the need to share on Evernote? A good app holds limited and popular channels like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc.

Content Investment

Create website that reveals the story of your app – what it is, what it delivers, how it is beneficial, or anything that you can say. Create blogs and share them at maximum places where you can grab maximum users. Invest your time in content and content-posting places to make your app float at the surface.

Bring them All Together

Now you know what you can do to cut your time out and reach to 1 million app downloads, you should hurry up as soon as possible. Combine all the above given ingredients and apply them with your app to get the results.


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