19 May 2015

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Simple Tips to Kick-Start Your Apple Watch App Store Optimization Campaign

Currently 3000+ Apple watch apps are available there at app store. You can see that competition is low giving you a high chance to get ranks on your Apple watch app with a little time and effort investment. Apple Watch app store optimization will help your app achieve its deserving stage.

In this post, you will learn about initials steps to be taken towards the success of Apple Watch app store optimization.

A New App Store

As I said in first para, Apple Watch app store is totally new to app market. It is not overcrowded like smartphones apps because of its initial steps. This only factor will help you a lot with your app’s discovery.
For e.g. when people type a keyword like “war” at smartphones app stores, they will overcrowd with 14000+ apps. But if they type the same keyword (war) at Apple Watch app store, they will get only 7 apps.
Overall, you will be benefitted with a newly entered app store.

ASO (App Store Optimzation) Meta Data

As you all know that Apple Watch apps are paired with iPhone apps, their (Apple Watch apps) metadata are almost similar to each other. Keywords, title and preview video, all are shared between Apple Watch Store and App Store. But there are some elements that needed a close attention because of the Apple Watch sensitivity in some matters. Here they are:

App Icon

You have to design a separate icon for Apple watch. Make sure that Apple watch app icon must show the relevancy with iPhone app – it should be design in such a way. We are not saying to design it same as like the iPhone app icon, but it must show some relevancy to get easily recognized. And its design must fit in the circular icon to show easily up on Apple watch.

Using “Apple Watch” Keyword

Adding “Apple Watch” to your keywords is not allowed, but you need to show that your app is exclusively designed for Apple Watch. For this, you can mention “Apple Watch” words to your description and in What’s New Section.


Yes, you need a different layer of screenshots for Apple Watch app because an Apple watch app and iphone app both have different images and functions. To place Apple watch app screenshots, you have to utilize the space given above the screenshots of iphone app.

App Quality

ASO works well only with high quality apps. This is the initial stage of Apple Watch, may be you don’t have in-depth data for what an Apple watch app should have to grab users attention. It requires a deep research and creativity to develop a worthwhile app for apple watch. So, before you go for any app marketing campaign, make sure that your app is able to deliver good ROI in exchange of your app marketing cost.

Final Thoughts
Smartwatch market is too small in front of smartphone market. It will take time or a short time to come up and raise the competition in the market. But for now, it is a small market which may affect your keyword ranking. It means if your keywords rank higher on Apple watch app store, it might not deliver same results as when it ranks higher on smartphones app store. Better to wait and keep going with your efforts.


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