Push messaging is not a new phenomenon, but with the growing usage of mobile devices and mobile apps, push technology has grown to be an important channel for app marketers through which they can directly communicate and re-engage app users as many times as they want.
Push notifications can either increase the volume of app users or it can intensely irritate them if not applied precisely. At one end this technology is truly effective, while on the other end, it is too sensitive. Push messaging technology is the art of magnetizing app users at the right place, right time with the right slice of information. By keeping the following 5 basic rules, you can learn and apply the sensitive art of push messaging.
1. Be Familiar with Your Users
Mobile apps create a friendly and confidential relationship between a brand and users. Push notifications can extend or shorten the period of relationship. If your users are wishing to get notifications from your brand, it means they have a trust on you and they believe that they will get worth reading. You have to take extreme care of their trust by sending relevant and useful messages that are also to a limited degree.
2. Resonate Push
Look at your app and its updates going to launch in few days or weeks. Create the news of updates, split them in messages and spread them among your users. Your app related messages must be written in a way that can resonate with your users. Identify the messages that are most talked about and try to send the same types of messages every time in a different format.
3. Put in Order
Once you get acquainted with the contents you need to feature, arrange the list of days for them. Publish them as per the organized date and time and keep tracking their open rates. Open rates will tell you about the most compelling message your users love to discuss about.
4. Put a Limit on Frequency
Messaging too frequently might make your users feel irritating due to which they will either unsubscribe from your notification centre or remove your app permanently. Prepare a schedule including the time of your messages and a few days of gap between them.
5. Messaging with a Personal Touch
Mix your messages with fun facts or the interested facts to add some personal touch. These messages will not only resonate with your users, but also give them a reason to share with their friends. Make sure that your message tone is aligned with the identity you are dreaming of to create.
Push messaging is still the best way to connect, communicate, and re-engage app users, no matter how many new app marketing tips come into the play. This technology plays a key role in converting the name of your company into a brand. It is quite sensitive to apply, but once you get to know how to apply it correctly, no one can stop your app to shine through.
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